The Unreached World
Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations (Greek: ethnos, people groups) and to go into all the world (Mk. 16, Matt. 28). After 2000 years of great progress, 40% of the world (3 Billion people) still remain unreached. The majority of the unreached are Muslims.
Despite of this, less Christian missionaries are sent out for example to the whole Muslim world combined than to the less than 1 Million people of Alaska. Only 1% of all missionaries (4.200 out of 400.000) is sharing the good news with the 1.7 Billion Muslims. This means that there is only 1 missionary for every 400.000 Muslims (source).
The highest concentration of Muslims worldwide is found in the Arab World which is made up of the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf Countries. It is home to the most unreached 300 Million Muslims. From here Islam originated and was spread to 1.7 Billion people. Today the Arab World is still the center of Islam.
Global Missions Resources
The video above draws a clear picture. Christians on average give 2.5% of their income to any christian cause. About 6.4% of everything given to any christian cause is given to missions. In the end 0.16% of all money Christians earn goes to any kind of missions (source).
87% of these mission donations are actually used to do more evangelism in major christian areas such as the USA, South America, Europe and majority Christian African nations. Totaling 99%, the remaining 12% is used in minority-christian areas that are still un-evangelized but no longer unreached.
In the end less than 1% of all money given to missions actually goes towards Missions towards the unreached. This is only a shocking 0.001% of the total christian income or $1 out of every $100.000 Christians earn. Meanwhile the number of unreached remains at 3 Billion people. 1.7 Billion of them are Muslims, including 300 Million unreached Muslims of the Arab World.

About Arab World Mission
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